Be your best lover.


Many individuals grapple with dissatisfaction in their sexual experiences, often without realizing how their masturbation habits are a contributing factor. Indeed, masturbation can develop into a highly habitual and disembodied experience. I'm here to gently guide you in recognizing the areas where your erotic potential might be limited and offer you practical remedies.

Habits and dissatisfaction.

It's common for most individuals to maintain the same self-touching habits for decades – that’s right, we’re talking 10, 20 or even 30 years!  Through Masturbation Coaching, I invite you to reflect on your own history of masturbation and explore any potentially limiting patterns and behaviours you still entertain. Through this process, you'll discover a fresh and augmenting approach to touching, moving, stroking and caressing yourself, fostering a more enriching connection with your body and desires.

Erotic fantasy and pornography.

For many individuals, the use of pornography and erotic fantasy is a common practice to regulate their sexual arousal. Pornography can serve as a tool to make sexual arousal efficient and reliable. Yet, our dependence on erotic imagery as the chief source of arousal narrows our erotic potential and capacities.


Your masturbation practice can be a joyous and playful experience, filled with delight and curiosity. It's an opportunity to revel in the unbridled joy of your body, to embark on a journey of exploration, and to revel in the sensations of indulgence. Embrace the adventure and connection with yourself, making each moment a celebration of self-discovery and inquiry.

Masturbation Coaching

Masturbation Coaching is conducted through a 35-minute phone call session for $30.

“There is no place of pilgrimage as fabulous and as open as this body of mine, no place more worth exploring.”

-Reginald A. Ray, Ph.D

  • As a Certified Sexological Bodyworker (CSB), I follow professional protocols to keep all parties safe and maintaining impeccable boundaries. I am an Associate Member of the SSEAA and strictly adhere to the Code Of Ethics.

  • Available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

  • Information that is shared within a session will not be shared with anyone else unless there is an explicit agreement from the client.

    I will hold all personal data responsibly and in the strictest of confidence.

    If we meet outside of a session, I will not disclose the nature of our professional relationship.

    1. Fill in the intake form (located with the booking link).

    2. Make payment. Your invoice will be sent after intake form is received.

    3. Book your Masturbation Coaching Call.