Vulva-Vaginal Mapping involves skilled hands-on and hands-in touch. An experiential learning environment that respects the body’s intelligence and addresses systemic social-sexual ignorance.

Vulva-Vaginal Mapping

Vulva Mapping Package


$480 (concession)

Cultivate an intimate knowledge of your body's pleasure zones and tap into its hidden potential through a series of four in-person sessions, ethically facilitated by a Certified Sexological Bodyworker.

Your mapping experience is structured for repeat appointments, offering flexibility with the choice of weekly or fortnightly visits.

Your mapping package includes four in-person sessions, located melbourne/naarm

Our approach is methodical and intentionally set at a slow pace, affording your body the time and space to gradually soften into this work.

Dive into somatic sex practices for heightened pleasure

Embrace embodiment practices to enhance your sensual vitality

Acquire tools for fostering deeper intimacy

Learn effective tools for regulating your nervous system

Engage in homework practices to reinforce your learning.

Why Genital Mapping

Vulva-Vaginal Mapping encompasses the practice of skilfully using hands-on and hands-in touch within an experiential learning context that honours the body's innate wisdom and confronts prevailing social and sexual misconceptions.

Experiential Learning

Mapping provides experiential learning in understanding the structure, location, and function of our vulva tissues. By mapping and naming, we assert ownership and understanding of our physicality.

Scar Tissue Detection

Mapping helps locate scar tissue within our bodies and assists in recognizing changes in vulva sensations.

Addressing Systemic Ignorance

Somatic education addresses broader social-sexual unfamiliarity about our genitals. Systemic social-sexual ignorance about our bodies is widespread and can be addressed through mapping.

Respecting Body Intelligence

Mapping acknowledges and respects the innate intelligence of the body.

Direct and Invisible

Somatic education directly engages with and reveals the often-invisible aspects of our physiology. Through genital mapping, we form mental representations of previously undiscovered aspects of ourselves.

  • As a Certified Sexological Bodyworker (CSB), I follow professional protocols to keep all parties safe and maintaining impeccable boundaries. I am an Associate Member of the SSEAA and strictly adhere to the Code Of Ethics.

  • Available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

  • A concession price of $480 is offered to concession card holders.

    Unfortunately, at this time studio access is granted by way of steps and therefore wheelchair access is not available. I apologise in advance and recognise this barrier. Please email if you would like to discuss alternative arrangements.

  • Information that is shared within a session will not be shared with anyone else unless there is an explicit agreement from the client.

    I will hold all personal data responsibly and in the strictest of confidence.

    If we meet outside of a session, I will not disclose the nature of our professional relationship.

    1. Fill in the initial intake form

    2. Book you complimentary 20 minute discovery call

    3. Make payment. (Payment plans are available)

    4. Book your session time.


Comprehensive Adult Sex Education

The most powerful intervention that I documented in The Pleasure Gap was the realm of Sexological Bodywork. It’s an intersection of physical therapy and sex work that can — but does not necessarily — include genital touch. For some of the women who I spoke to, they’ve said that this was the missing link in understanding their bodies. Sexological Bodywork practitioners facilitate self-knowledge of your body, pleasure, comfort, boundaries, feelings of confidence and being able to articulate “no.” For example, “No, I don’t want you to touch me here” and “I don’t want you to look at me here.” This helps women ask why they feel this way — and get to a point where they can say “yes.” 

-Katherine Rowland, Author of The Pleasure Gap: American Women and the Unfinished Sexual Revolution

Our session:

  • Personalized

    Clarify Learning Objectives. Negotiate Educational Contract & Boundaries.

  • Somatic

    Body-based practices. This is the ‘doing it’ part of our session.

  • Integrative

    Installation. Neuroplasticity. Reflection.

  • Progressive

    Individually tailored somatic practices to take home.

There is no place of pilgrimage as fabulous and as open as this body of mine, no place more worth exploring
— Reginald A. Ray, Ph.D.


  • Sexological Bodywork (aka, somatic sexology) combines physical embodiment with the study of sexuality. Broadly speaking, it is comprehensive sex education for adults. Sexological Bodywork also presents the opportunity for practical, hands-on experiential learning.

  • Modalities such as breath work, skills in touch, sound and movement, genital and anal work, education in anatomy and arousal, massage, mindful erotic practice, scar tissue remediation and body mapping are amongst those that are offered. We will investigate somatic exercises revolving around topics such as consent, communication and boundaries. We might look at erotic themes, arousal patterns or sexual difficulties.

    You will be in complete control of what happens to your body. Encouraged to explore your sexuality that is free from cultural caveats, religious dogma and habitual sexual behaviours. No pressure. No performance. No agenda.

    We only engage in topics and practices that you actively say yes to, moment-to-moment. We will be in constant communication throughout our sessions. Our work around consent, communication and boundaries will be in full swing, always.

    All touch is one-way. From me to you. I remain fully clothed.

  • Sexual health and erotic education are basic human rights. Individual services are offered to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, characteristics and expressions. Ages 18+.

  • Absolutely! We want you in optimal states for learning and this all begins with safety. As a Certified Sexological Bodyworker (CSB), I follow strict professional protocols to keep all parties safe and maintaining impeccable boundaries. I am an Associate Member of the SSEAA and strictly adhere to the Code Of Ethics.